'Depraved Values': Tammy Bruce Reminds Americans Who Kamala Harris REALLY Is By Sharing Old Video

8 hours ago

Posted • September 9, 2024: Man oh man, the DNC Machine is working really hard to make Kamala Harris seem like the total opposite of what and who she really is. These videos of her high-fiving people, hugging crying women, and changing her accent over and over again … they are desperately trying to market her. And yet, they're still failing because Kam-Kam's numbers keep going down. It's hard to think 'joy' when you look at a woman like Kamala knowing she supported the destruction of our communities in 2020, going so far as to bail violent thugs and criminals out. Tammy Bruce was good enough to share this old video and REMIND America who Kamala really is: Tammy Bruce @HeyTammyBruce: “THIS is who Kamala Harris is, comfortable & giddily excited about riots and violence that we're destroying peoples lives. She didn't need a cheat sheet or a teleprompter, she relied completely on her depraved "values" as she praised the madness of the 2020 riots.”

Kamala Harris on the deadly 2020 BLM riots: “They’re not gonna stop…and they should not.” -- Keep in mind, Kamala insists her 'values' haven't changed, so she's still just as depraved now as she was in 2020. I find this to be about the most disturbing video from her. It’s her natural enthusiasm and excitement about it. These riots were terrorizing people and causing mass destruction and chaos. This woman shouldn’t be anywhere near the oval office with this kind of heart. It serves as a reminder that Democrats were willing to do anything to get rid of Trump, even if that meant destroying the country in the process. And now, after four years of Biden/Harris leadership it's more obvious than ever that this administration was more about removing Trump and hiding how hard they worked to do so more than anything else. *adjusts tinfoil hat* Well, that and open our southern border but that's another story. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'DEPRAVED Values': Tammy Bruce Reminds Americans Who Kamala Harris REALLY Is by Sharing Old Video

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