Climate the Movie - The film that debunks and lifts the lid on the great climate alarmism scam

6 months ago

"The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus. Written and directed by Martin Durkin. Produced by Tom Nelson"

This documentary needs to be seen by the masses, be sure to share it far and wide.

Besides the obvious, the film also highlights how governments, the elites, corporations and other nefarious organizations have turned to the utilization of heavily manipulated data and highly unreliable computer modelling to push their false narratives & agendas, on a massive scale. All in a nefarious bid to create worldwide fear in order to garner control of the masses, while perpetrating the largest transfer of wealth between themselves that our planet has ever witnessed.

We saw a very similar strategy uncovered recently here in Canada, thanks to the incredible work of Dr. Regina Watteel in her best selling book #FismansFraud, which has now officially exposed how the Trudeau government utilized falsified data and fraudulent computer modelling to justify illegally invoking their tyrannical & unscientific vaccine mandates and lockdowns during the 'pandemic'. Her evidence has since been raised in the HoC and is now under investigation. As to what the outcome will be is yet to be seen, but either way the truth has been revealed for the world to see.
Fisman's Fraud:
More details here:

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