This is Amplify

5 months ago

Who we are-

Son of a preacher man, who is a son of a preacher man, Aaron Swanger (founder and director of AmplifyIM) was raised outside of Detroit, Michigan. Growing up and ministering in several church expressions, he was frustrated with focusing on the external, more than on the internal transformation. This drove him to seek for more than just Sunday morning gatherings. After a powerful encounter with The Lord in 2003, he spent Mondays through Saturdays in Bible studies, home groups, and prayer gatherings while worship leading at a local church.
The objective was to know Christ through His Body.

In the summer of 2006, he moved from Michigan to Kansas City, Missouri to join staff at the International House of Prayer. For over three years. he served in the Night Watch, worship leading and ministering on prayer sets from midnight to six in the morning. From there, in 2009, he served with HopeCityKC, led by Ray and Lisa Stribling, the inner city expression of night and day worship and prayer. Here, Aaron was equipped to intercede and minister to The Lord with a focus on topics like addiction, homelessness, the youth, poverty and the nation..
Jesus loves Justice. (Luke 18)

In 2023, after almost two decades of serving in the Prayer Movement, Aaron and his team are bringing these experiences out of the prayer room to train and to equip ones who are ready for corporate and personal refreshing. AmplifyIM is fueled by the desire to see the fallen altar of intercession revived through empowering believers with confidence that The Lord joyfully responds when we seek Him wholeheartedly.
Every voice counts.

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