Ate Something Unhealthy? How to Bounce Back After a Bad Meal!

4 hours ago

Do you ever find yourself feeling guilty after indulging in something not-so-healthy? Maybe you had that slice of cake or polished off a bag of chips, and now you're thinking, ‘I’ve blown it! I Might as well keep going, right?’ Well, hold on!"

I get it – we’ve all been there. But what if I told you that the guilt you’re feeling is totally normal, and the great news is that you don’t have to let it ruin your day or your health goals.

In fact, in this short Tracy Herbert video you will discover eight simple steps to help you get back on track and feel your best again. Whether it's rehydrating, moving your body a bit, or balancing your meals, I’ve got you covered.

Here’s a recap of how to get back on track. Be sure to watch the video for more in-dept information.

1) Stay Hydrated
2) Move a Little
3) Focus on balancing meals
4) Boost with Probiotics
5) Avoid More Unhealthy Foods with Planning
6) Practice Mindfulness
7) Prioritize Sleep
8) Reflect and Learn

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