F***! Crowley

6 months ago

Aleister Crowley is a BIG reason why pop culture is garbage today.

Rebelling is a trick popularized byLuciferian royal a-holes to make us think being enslaved to our urges is liberating when actually we're all slaves to consumer convenience.

Co-Creation is the Zeitgeist of our time.

You start with the impact on society you want to come from your art product.

In the study of the occult and conspiracy topics we learn that rock stars like The Beatles idolized Crowley because he knew how to use suppressed information the masterclass uses to rule us as minions to base their music on to usher in a communist new world order subversively within everything posing as nuetral consumer products.

I want your help to turn this into an anthem for the truthseeking alternative community similar to how the Imagine song is a communist anthem we mistook for an ode to love and peace.

Now, we start with the audience who learns and participates in the behind the scenes creation of art and business so we transform us from consumers into co-creators.

this solves the problem of how the more convenient we make it to listen to and create music, the lower the quality is and fewer people create it or listen to it because consumerism destroys whatever it touches like Fentanyl.


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