[ops] HOW stupid all hybrids really are (!)

11 hours ago

[?] you could been now feel very easily physically tired when higher frequency on atmosphere, slow down or stop your busy doings for relax more or do groundings or just do sleep more

[ops] have your inspiration direction idea for corrections NOT WAIT TOMORROW OR ALL GONE

[..] hammocks when can is good first aid, tents sucks but must when cant do hammock camping, know avoid all space blanket type heat reflect tarps tents wears with aluminium coating thats all real bad joke whats kills you on longer run, goretex for water proof and hollow fiber for warm and cordura fabric for heavy duty works all enough, partly also soft shells not all

"Complete Extended Cold Weather Clothing System"

[!] as stupid as lower dimension beings aka aliens can be also directly connect to receive all stupid idiotic crazy idea from spirit world spiritualism as robotic blind logic type programmed mindless zombies, whats also WHY higher dimensions galactics been can talk directly without tell 'white lies', kill your self is much better than continue blame other others, is wasted wait other others kill you, help your own being, others not for serve you, new is not come online automatic even on end forced be become public because hybrids not gonna understand own good, hybrids only still wait hope expect war killings murders conflicts continue, now you know how hybrid you really are with your hybrid logic ego minds, real high is still totally unknown on your minds thinking believes, hybrids can shit into they own pants may feels warmer on crazy mind so do go space with your programs others not come with you as thats absolute aliens bullshit or know better where you go before you go or your wet dreams still is to be continue be become used abused wasted thats your own business not for people not with people not from people.





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