Say What He Says to Say

1 month ago

Say What He Says to Say

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Luke 4:18, Isaiah 35:1-7

In scripture, when you see phrases like this where the desert is blooming, and
waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, And streams in the desert.
Its prophetically speaking about a move of the Holy Spirit.
When a land is dry spiritual – seemingly dead, only the presence of water, the presence of the Holy Spirit can cause the desert to bloom, and streams in the desert.

Ver.4 Say to those who are fearful-hearted, "Be strong, do not fear!”
How many know that when you’re afraid, someone telling you not to be afraid doesn’t seem to pull you out of fear?

This only works when we “say” what God says to “say.”
When we speak, an say what He tell us, that prophetic obedience, draws the hand of God into a broken situation.
He said, “Say to those who are fearful, don’t be afraid..”

NIV ver. 4 God will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you."
God is going to have the last word over this situation.
We can say to one another, “I don’t know what He is going to do, I don’t know how He is going do it, but I’m confident because of who He is, and what He has promised towards us, something good is about to happen.

Don’t fear. Then what? Ver.5-6

Encouragement always creates an atmosphere of hope.
Saying what He says to say in unique situations ALWAYS draws His presence. I feel just like stinking words draw the demonic, words of His promise draw the angelic, His word draws His presence.

How do you develop a culture and an atmosphere of hope in your home?
By saying what He says to say. NOT the opposite!

Theres a book - Shifting Atmospheres – its about discerning and displacing the spiritual forces around you – by Dawna De Silva

The atmosphere around us is alive with unseen spiritual activity—a battle of darkness and light. This book helps you to recognize and take dominion over the supernatural environment. It helps give different strategies for winning over the enemy’s schemes.

In our text, we have two people speaking to one another, and just like how our natural body shares nutrition with the other parts of my body, when I share with you God’s Word there is something released in me, and inside you that destroys fear.

There are times when God is wanting to move in a situation, but He is waiting for us to give Him our attention and say what He says to say - Make a decree.
He is looking for an agreement from those He has assigned positions and function to declare – prophesy to one another His Word.

1 Co.14:26 says that when we come together with a song, a scripture, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation, - let each one contribute something that strengthens others.

We come ready to deposit something into others’ lives.
This spiritual movement - this dance - a flowing together, creates an atmosphere for the blind to see, ears unstopped, lame leap, waters burst forth, and streams flow in the desert.

What excites me is this is not about Pastor Gary being on today, or his message is so good.
When we come together in the name of the Lord, and we say what He says to say.

Mal 3:16 “Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the LORD And who meditate on His name.”

Luke 4:18 (context)
Last night, I kept waking up feeling like we as a church body – we were to speak nourishment to each other – speaking His declaration to the atmosphere in Seeley Lake - that we are to say, declare the words Jesus used.

Let’s say This together: (I’ll say the first phrase and as a congregation, we repeat.)
The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me - repeat
He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor - repeat
He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted - repeat
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives - repeat
He has anointed me to recovery sight to the blind - repeat
I have been anointed to set at liberty those who are oppressed - repeat

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