Dr James Royle MD

6 months ago

Dr James Royle MD, a British (NHS) general and colorectal surgeon (and please see below), will speak to us on his experiences in the time of C-19 at our Zoom meeting on Sunday 8 September 2024 at 8 pm London time.

Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International invites you to a Zoom meeting on Sunday 8 September 2024 at 20.00 (8 pm) London time, 15.00 (3 pm) New York time, 12 noon Los Angeles time, 03.00 (3 am) (Monday) Borneo time, 05.00 (5 am) (Monday) Sydney time, 07.00 (7 am) (Monday) Auckland time.

Please see the invitation below. Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9352118786?pwd=UlowWHpKdmVDeU1Hb1g0N3RpZDdqQT09

PLEASE NOTE: Recordings of these meetings are posted on the Rumble channel within 48 hours of the live event: https://rumble.com/user/cbkovess


Mr T James Royle has practised as an attending general and colorectal surgeon in North East England since 2015. He graduated from University of Birmingham Medical School and completed his surgical training developing his interest in teaching and training, completing a masters in medical education after working as a teaching fellow at Warwick Medical School.

He was a founder member of the West Midlands Research Collaborative, designing and conducting trainee-led multi-centre studies that have inspired similar collaboratives across UK and abroad; changing the face of clinical surgical research.

James Royle was awarded an ACPGBI travelling fellowship in robotic surgery in Hong Kong (2013), before becoming a national program advanced laparoscopic fellow in Newcastle in 2014. His surgical expertise is in minimally invasive surgery, complex hernia including abdominal wall reconstruction and laparoscopic techniques. He is now a trainer for the Sunderland Da Vinci ACPGBI robotic fellowship programme.

Since June 2021 James has been an active member of HARTgroup, writing and contributing to articles and open letters particularly challenging covid vaccination of children and vaccine mandates. He is now on the executive committee of Doctors for Patients UK. Mr Royle has published papers on informed consent and recently contributed to an article on medical ethics and informed consent linked below


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