Eternal Security 27 - Deuteronomy 32.39

5 months ago

Deuteronomy 32:39 KJV  See now that I, [even] I, [am] he, and [there is] no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither [is there any] that can deliver out of my hand.

The word deliver here is the Hebrew word that can mean steal by force or snatch away or seize. It indicates the right or power to do such, but can mean illegitimately using power to steal.

The obvious implication is God has the right to keep us and no-one has to power to steal or seize us out of His hand.

This is the same idea in John 10.27-29 where none can snatch/pluck/steal/seize our of the Son's hand or the Father's hand.

This means that even if you walk away, the devil will never own you. You are always HIS! The only condition is you have to belong to Him. You have to be His sheep. You have to have heard and believed. You have to have come to Him.

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