International Public Notice: Stolen Property and Crimes of State By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 5002 Video - International Public Notice: Stolen Property and Crimes of State - Sunday, September 8, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

This message goes out especially to the Government of the Philippines and the Governors of the Federal Reserve Board.

The Great Seal of the United States and The Great Seal of the United States of America, like the Flags of the United States, are properties and assets of ours that belong uniquely to us --- not to our Federal Contractors who were granted strictly limited, enumerated, and delegated use of these symbols and emblems under the provisions of the Federal Constitutions issued in 1787, 1789, and 1790.

You will note that The Great Seal of the United States, like The Great Seal of the United States of America, is part of the Belle Cher Family Array and Coats of Arms and is unrelated to any other known heraldic symbology.

You will note that this unique symbology appears in the annals of Gaul, the British Isles, Spain, Italy, and most pointedly, in America, which was named after the Amorican people of Normandy, not any Italian mapmaker.

These symbols made manifest on documents, as seals, and as flags were created and adopted and added to the Belle Cher Family Array for use in International and Global venues precisely because of the five (5) major European sovereignties bound by them, the thirteen nations bound by them, and because of the mastery of the land, air, and water represented by them.

In the aftermath of the so-called American Civil War, our family members, engaged in transporting the physical Seals, were attacked by a troop of thinly disguised Union cavalrymen. The physical Great Seals were stolen and disappeared for many years, only to reappear, showcased by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. They have since then been seen in the possession of the Government of the Philippines.

We wish to make it clear that these physical Great Seals as well as their representations as seals on documents and as trademarks and as authorizations belong to us, and have never belonged to any other Parties or Principals; they are stolen property that was wrested from us by inland pirates, and must be retrieved and returned to us.

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