This happened just yesterday september 7. 2024 in the Danish Faroe Islands

6 months ago

Imagine the agony—lying there with your neck half open, watching your entire family die before your eyes.
Dolphins are intelligent creatures, fully aware of the horror unfolding.
So why are the Faroese still doing this?
This isn't indigenous whaling; it’s not necessary for subsistence.
It's time for Denmark to change this tradition and to #FreePaulWatson.
#TraditionsCanChange #OpBloodyFjords
Don't #visitfaroeislands
#PaulWatsonFoundation, the new name of #SeaShepherd UK
#AnimalRightsActivist #CPWF #DolphinHunting #StopTheGrind #StopDolphinHunt #FaroeIslands #AnimalRights #Faroese

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