Ukraine Being Used as a PROXY for US Imperialism in War Against Russia (Dr. Daniele Ganser)

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On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Dr. Daniele Ganser, Founder and Director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research and author of ‘USA: The Ruthless Empire’. He discusses the history of NATO’s secret armies in Western Europe through Operation Gladio and their links to terrorist attacks, the parallels of Operation Gladio and the chaos fomented in Ukraine in 2014, the US’ involvement in the 2014 Maidan coup and the general population being unaware of much of this history, the assassination attempt against Donald Trump and the many suspicious facts surrounding the event that lead him to believe there was a stand-down order among the Secret Service, NATO countries possibly using Zelensky’s Ukrainian army to invade Kursk in Russia and how this is unprecedented in history, Switzerland’s abandonment of neutrality amid the Russia-NATO proxy war in Ukraine and Switzerland’s partaking in the economic war against Russia, the decline of the population’s trust in the ruling establishment parties in Western Europe, why Russia and Ukraine have no option to return to peace and brotherhood, and much more.

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