Med Bed Technology- Coming Soon in Major Cities Worldwide

4 months ago

Please refer to Nesara Gesara Law. This law was signed off by Bill Clinton. It was supposed to be released in 2001. However, the sad 9/11 event halted the release of this law, which would mean the greatest Wealth Transfer of all time.

If you Google Nesara Gesara, act number 19 states, '...6000 patents were withheld from the public, including Med Bed technology. The corrupt elites of this world could not allow Med Bed Technology (which will be FREE) to compete with the medical system and pharmaceutical companies.

In addition, the new banking system - the Quantum Financial System - is ready. Everyone has a QFS account with money from your birth certificate, return of all tax paid, return of all interest and fees paid on mortgages, credit cards, and loans. The money is already sitting in your QFS account. We just need to be patient and wait for QFS to be announced and live worldwide.

For the announcement of all these blessings to humanity. We wait patiently for Iraq to publicly announce the rate of their dinar currency. The world waits patiently.

Med Bed technology is controlled by the Alliance (good military). When QFS is announced and a green light is given. The public must wait as to how the telephone number will be advertised to book your appointment.

Have a piece of paper. Start creating your new body.
On the left list, all the changes you want to make your body. For example, I don't want hairs on underarms, legs, arms and body. Long eyelashes, do you want a muscular fit body and so on.

On the right list, all the things you want to learn - they will be downloaded to your brain. For example, I want to learn new languages, I want to have medical knowledge, I want.... and so on.

People still have time to purchase foreign currencies. For example, Zim Bonds, Venezuela Bolivar 2001 100 million (currently on the US Reserve site shows currently the rate is approximately over 36....) Also, Vietnamese Dong currency (yeah people can laugh) however after the RV - Currency revaluation these rates will increase. The best to purchase from is Banknote World, you need a certified certificate. After the RV choose a humanitarian project to invest in.

Now, according to Skye Prince (who has been educating people about Med Bed Technology). She has stated any major changes, for example, age regression, changing eye colour. You must be vibrating at a requency of 4th dimension. Med Bed technology is 5th Dimension. She also stated that this technology will remove all toxins and chemicals, and that includes the Covid vaccine.

Thank Trump, because without Trump, the financial blessings and this new technology would have continued to be suppressed.

When the telephone number to book your appointment is announced by the military. Call and book your appointment. The first appointment will be your scan. You will findout on the day of the scan if your procedure will be the same day or you book the appointment for your procedure.

Any major changes to your body. For the women, you must wear black UNDIES AND BRA. For the men, you must wear black UNDERWEAR. The reason is, on the scan monitor, the doctor can see your private parts. That's why you must wear black under garments as mentioned above. The scan is for 45 seconds. You can eat anything you like before the procedure.

Med Bed appointments are FREE. Accommodation, food, access to replicator machine - for your new clothes and new FREE. Spiritual and emotional counseling FREE.
If you need to be picked up anywhere around the world, it doesn't matter where. Don't worry, tell the operator. They will pick you up.

Keep an eye on your emails for notification to book your QFS appointment. The general public is the tier5 group.

When QFS goes live which presembly during the EBS (still waiting) The world will celebrate the greatest Wealth Transfer of all time.

There will be huge parties globally.

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