Muslim Christian Eschatology: Mulhamma/Armageddon is Imman Mahdi & Issa/Jesus vs Dajaal/Antichrist

6 months ago

Muslim Christian Eschatology parallels Mulhamma Armageddon is Imman Mahdi and Issa Jesus vs Dajaal or Antichrist, Moheen Yaseen

Moheen Yaseen - Global Vision 2000 in Istanbul - Koran predictions on the end times. The Mahdi and Jesus as Allies against al-Dajjal (the Antichrist) - To date, Global Vision 2000 has been research-focused on holistic thought leadership, technology and modernisation within a global framework. It has been developing a “network of networks” as well as a “community of collaboration” comprised of the intelligentsia, business, finance and industry in association with aligned partners seeking fundamental transformation in society. Global Vision 2000 operates in a collaborative model and has formed powerful alliances and partnerships with a number of innovative organisations across the globe. We are pleased to announce that all interested parties are welcome to participate in our forum. - Few people realize that Jesus was a prominent messenger of God in Islam and that Muslims believe in the return of Jesus. Even among Muslims, it is not well known that there are diverse interpretations of references to Jesus in the Qur’an and the Hadith. Aiming to remedy this, Islam’s Jesus takes a bold yet candid look at the highly charged topic of Jesus’s place in Islam, exploring some of the religion’s least understood aspects. Examining multiple intellectual traditions, Zeki Saritoprak makes clear the reality of pluralism in the history of Islamic religious scholarship. Actively engaged in efforts to promote interfaith dialogue and harmony, Saritoprak thoughtfully argues that the shared belief in Jesus presents an excellent opportunity for understanding between Muslims and Christians. Together, they constitute more than half of the world’s population, and such understanding may be a foundation for peace.

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