NoDoubtNate's Gematria Name-Number Codes

5 months ago

The earliest documented use of Gematria was in 800 BCE in Assyrian records.

Gematria is a numerological system by which Hebrew letters correspond to numbers. This system, developed by practitioners of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), derived from Greek influence and became a tool for interpreting biblical texts. Neither the concept nor the term appears in the Hebrew Bible itself. Apparently, Gematria has been "kept as a SECRET" among the elites of those 12 Tribes of Israel. If it had no power, it would not have continued to exist into our contemporary day and age. The practice would have been discarded...and "lost" by those ancients, whose philosophy underpins all of the modern Western Civilization mindset characterized as being a "Judeo-Christian value system" of beliefs and cultural mores.

Pythagoras is famous for being the "Father of Trigonometry" that is still the 'gold standard of ciphering triangles' that is in use today. In either grade, I was taught the mnemonic device acronym for remembering these angle/length proportions captured by the (nonsense) words "SOH CAH TOA", and can never forget the Pythagorean process for deciphering any angle or length of a triangle's 3 "legs". I have used this mnemonic to figure out layouts needed in my construction work of building foundations that baffled the highly educated "On Site Civil Engineers", who didn't have the affinity for SOH CAH TOA that matched mine on a practical level of using Pythagoras' ancient methods for figuring out "where THERE is located" when it comes to placing concrete foundations for buildings. I stood alone in my ability to "get it right on the money." No brag, just fact.
I absolutely LOVED Pythagoras for his discoveries made 2600 years before my need to use that eternally valid information about triangles...and well as loving one Mr. James Billman, my math teacher that drilled SOH CAH TOA into my head to stay...forever and useful to me as a builder of so many different things.

Interestingly, Pythagoras was motivated to find the "sound of the Creator", meaning the vibrational frequency numbers that define "creation out of nothing", since those ancients did have the Big Bang Theory to describe the mathematics of that "First Act of God" in our known universe.

The history of the Big Bang theory began with the Big Bang's development from observations and theoretical considerations. Much of the theoretical work in cosmology now involves extensions and refinements to the basic Big Bang model. The theory itself was originally formalised by Father Georges Lemaître in 1927.

At any rate, Pythagoras was perhaps 2500 years ahead of his time, and Nikola Tesla's, too...who hinted at the 'magic contained in the 3, 6, 9s...and these just happened to be the key numbers used to decipher isosceles and right triangles. But, I into the weeds that number systems can be. Yet these systems underpin the physical reality of the material world we all live in...though so very few give this a second thought. Most all of those few are Quantum Physics professors and inventors, or just layman fans, like I am. A carpenter specializing in placing "liquid stone" to build big buildings upon. Extreme accuracy is required.

It's Pythagoras' belief that, in addition to defining "Deity", his school of thought also believed music to have a "healing energy" aspect to it...and so do those who "play" Tibetan Bowls, perhaps you've encountered that modality of "frequency healing practitioners'? Is that merely New Ager "fluff", or is it truly valid sound stuff? To me, it's a matter of opinion, and the Placebo Effect comes into play here. There is a powerful energy in "belief"...see Dr. Bruce Lipton's revolutionary SCIENTIFIC documentation begun with his research report book titled "The Biology of Belief." Yes, our thoughts can alter our material bodies...and Dr. Lipton, once branded a quack pseudoscientist, was years ahead of his time...just like Pythagoras and Tesla, and others who first formalized the Quantum Physics models for entanglement, string theory, and such counter-intuitive concepts that only made sense in mathematics, but not to "conventional wisdom" and traditional Newtonian 1666 AD physics "laws" (a very interesting date number, in and of coincidental, eh?). Something about apples falling from trees that shape the reality agreed upon by "scientists". But, I digress on a tangent again ("TOA" = Pythagoras' Tangent= Opposite over Adjacent angles, BTW). Tangents are meaningful things.

So are Lloyd Mear's Energy Balance By Numbers "Codes", which form a most perfect triangle with Gematria numbers and Pythagoras' theorems on how the numerical word interacts with the numerical world in the context of the frequencies operating our human bodies' biological processes...and healing ourselves, as Pythagoras thought music does. And I've "re-invented" my healer and friend's Code numbers as a system of musical notes one can ay in order to heal themselves while enjoying the sounds they make in the doing. I started this Rumble channel to present this method, while this "NoDoubtNate Gematria" vid here is actually just a fun digression from that primary purpose of this "AnyBeesBuzzer Channel" of mine. Somehow, it all fits together.

Plz see all of my other vids on this channel for Mear Healing Codas...and a few other goodies that divert me for fun, just like this one.

To wrap up this intro-note, it was bicycle riding that brought Nate and me together, and I found that Nate had a music passion too, as stated on his calling card, in his "love triangle text" of being a:
1) DJ
2) Musician
3) and, Human.

So, one can triangulate Ocean City, Maryland with Fenwick Island, Delaware, to find Nate, anytime, working at his buddy, Bret's Fenwick Cycles bicycle shop, right next to the huge white Lighthouse...and you might find me there, too.

But the easiest place to find Nate The DJ is at his YouTube home, and his latest vibe posted was A Very Labor Day Night Street Performance somewhere along this long stretch of beach, which you can see and hear here, of DJ raves might be your cuppa' tea to surf:

w/Thanks to Bret for fixing my Trek after my slow motion crash at your bike shop, which I'm blaming on Nate for distracting me from that curb!

LOL & thanks for the inspiration and NoDoubtNate!

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