“The Lamanite Witness!” GET TO THE POINT™ Come Follow Me: Helaman 13-16

5 months ago

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Opening Hymn: https://youtu.be/_b8C0Skuc-Y?si=dmNfIbB72ae5VKp1

"The Lamanite Witness!"
I. Intro
i. You're looking good today and it feels good to be with you.
ii. Patter
II. Theme: "The Lamanite Witness!"
III. Context:
i. Lamanites are the apostate group
1. Traditions: Wronged, Wroth Mosiah 10
2. Vie for control of Nephites
3. Ironical, since L are now ruled by 3 Zormanite kings
ii. Promises to L
1. Three chapters
a. Jacob 3
b. Alma 9
c. Helaman 15
2. Future Lamanites
iii. Book of Mormon written expressly to Lamanites
iv. 3 Nephi 23
1. Samuel the Lamanite words left out of Nephite record
2. Savior had to correct
3. Question: is our canon up to snuff?
a. Have we left anything out
b. Soft canonization proclamations adequate?
IV. Helaman 13
i. Shift in the spiritual center of gravity. Hel 6, Lamanites more righteous than Nephites "observe strictly to keep commandments" . The Bishop Fallacy: In chess, a bishop that stars on a black square always ends up on a black square, and vice versa for a white-square bishop. Not so for Book of Mormon. Things flip.
ii. SL preaches at Zarahemla, moves on, Spirit sends him back (Alma 8)
1. References the 400 year prophecy.
a. 1 Nephi 12, after Christ, civilization collapses
b. Alam 45:10
2. Relaying a message from an angel
a. His words and Lord's words entwine
b. Harold B. Lee Manual: Sister Marjorie Hinckley “It was interesting to see how President Lee moved into a situation. When we met with the missionaries, it was usually in the morning in a chapel filled with full-time and part-time local missionaries. As he stood to address them, he would seldom start with a word of greeting or preliminary remarks but would open the scriptures and begin a discourse. He moved through the scriptures with such ease that sometimes it was difficult to know when the words were his and when he was quoting. After one such meeting I asked him how he had gone about memorizing the scriptures. … He thought for a moment and then said, ‘I don’t think I ever consciously memorized a scripture. I guess I have just worked them through so much that they have become a part of me and my vocabulary.’”
4. Pride of Wealth and slippery curse: "tool today, gone tomorrow" buried treasures
5. Mental compartmentalization
a. If lived in days of prophets, would have sustained them
b. but they are living in the days of prophets, and "seek all manners of way to destroy them"
c. Support flattering false prophets: in out day the seductive seers of social media"
6. Seeking happiness in doing iniquity = contrary to nature
iii. Encircled about by demons: which, by their own disobedience invited into their life
1. George Q. Cannon, JD 11:29-30
2. I have often heard it remarked by the brethren, and I have remarked it myself, that in some places there is a greater disposition entertained by the people to commit adultery and indulge in kindred sins of this description than there is in this country. ...
3. Brother Joseph Smith gave an explanation of this. There are places in the Mississippi Valley where the influence or the presence of invisible spirits are very perceptibly felt. He said that numbers had been slain there in war, and that there were evil influences or spirits which affect the spirits of those who have tabernacles on the earth. (HC 2:66)
4. I myself have felt those influences in other places besides the continent of America I have felt them on the old battle grounds on the Sandwich Islands. I have come to the conclusion that if our eyes were open to see the spirit world around us, we should feel differently on this subject than we do we would not be so unguarded and careless, and so indifferent whether we had the spirit and power of God with us or not but we would be continually watchful and prayerful to our heavenly Father for His Holy Spirit and His holy angels to be around about us to strengthen us overcome every evil influence.
V. Helaman 14
i. Christ's coming
ii. Heavenly signs, Light and Darkness
iii. Light
1. Five years come
2. No night, all one day
3. New Star
a. Nephite Astronomy in Alma 30 and in Helamn 12
i. The new star [of Bethlehem] would have had to be placed in its precise orbit long, long before it shone so precisely! By reflecting such careful divine design, it underscored what the Lord has said: "All things must come to pass in their time" (D&C 64:32). His planning and precision pertain not only to astrophysical orbits but to human orbits as well. (The Christmas Scene, pp. 2-3.)
4. Various lights
iv. Ethnic issue of a Lamanite preaching to Nephties
v. Darkness
1. Three days
2. Other calamities,natural chaos
VI. Helaman 15
i. Npehites privileged, and Promises to Lamanites
ii. Fathers led them astray, curse upon their heads
1. Lehi, 2 Nephi 4:6 "Wherefore, if ye are cursed, behold, I leave my blessing upon you, that the cursing may be taken from you and be answered upon the heads of your parents.
iii. Lamanites "steadfast and firm" circumspect in obedience
iv. Latter times restored
VII. Helaman 16
i. Message, then the wall. Sometimes we want the Cinerama, Panorama in 3D visual, over the more important message. Theatrics over theology.
1. Not hit, and leaves and goes back
2. Like Elijah and Abinadi, come out of nowhere
ii. "But little alterations in the affairs of the people"
1. Does this happen in your ward after conferences?
2. Talk about good feeling or jokes you heard, then just keep grinding away on the same rusty tracks?
iii. Signs and angels come
iv. Crowd Reaction
1. Accept
2. Most Rationalize
a. Some things they may have guessed right, among so many
b. That it is not reasonable that such a being as a Christ shall come
c. Why isn't it reasonable?
d. Why will he not show himself unto us as well as unto them who shall be at Jerusalem--but he will come? Why this idea
e. "Wicked tradition" Atheists say same thing about Bible?; Korihor rhetoric
f. Devil spreads rumors, harden against that which is good.
VIII. Chrsit Quotient
i. Racism
1. Fight racism, and past racist teachings
2. Over-correction Correction problem, and white Wokeism
a. Replace institutional racism institutional retaliation
3. Prejudice is everywhere
a. Koreans and Japanese, against Chinese
b. antisemitism at Ivy League schools
c. Ukrainians and Russians
ii. Prejudice against singles?
iii. Samuel Lamanites message
1. Angel supplement, King Benjamin, Jacob
2. Behavior and Character issues
a. Pride of wealth and gratitude
b. Slippery curse
c. False and true prophets
i. False and true pod-casters, false and true testimony bearers, false and true class commenters?
ii. "seek out all manner of ways to destroy them"
3. Christ and human nature
a. He hath given unto you that ye might know good from evil, and he hath given unto you that ye might choose life or death; and ye can do good and be restored unto that which is good, or have that which is good restored unto you; or ye can do evil, and have that which is evil restored unto you.
c. (Book of Mormon | Helaman 14:31)
4. Signs of coming
5. us Signs of Second coming
6. Second coming about Christ, that's the point.

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