You are HOLY

6 months ago

PLEASE think about enjoying this song with headphones, rather than with a phone or laptop speaker, thanks :) Please, worship with us...

With special thanks to James 'Cookie' Cooke, Ellie and Pete Scott, and Lucas Mirovski - not to mention the whole choir of my friends - love you all, guys!

We make request for a spirit of joy
Love that overflows as we grow
May knowledge increase
Understanding rise
as we life our eyes to You

For You are holy
You are holy
God Almighty
Saviour of the world

May we be filled with Your Spirit of truth
The fruit of our salvation
Produce in us, by Jesus
Repute of righteousness

We ask for life flowing from the heart
In streams of living water
Inspire us to count the cost
And live as holy soldiers

Help us to see Your presence in
The least of all the brothers
It's by Your grace that we're hands and feet
As we try to bless all others

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