Nosotros Trabajamos Duro - Episode 5 - Tony "the Tiger" Lopez

6 months ago

On this episode of Nosotros Trabajamos Duro, I sit down with three time world champion in the super featherweight boxing division, Tony "the Tiger" Lopez. The Tiger has 59 bouts in boxing, winning a total of 50 fights in his 16 year career, and 34 of which by knockout! We talk about his boxing career, what led to it, and the many stories in between and what comes after for a boxing world champion.

Check out Tony the Tiger Lopez's "Boxing Basics" here: / boxingbasics

And Tony the Tiger Plumbing in the Sacramento/northern California area. Call 916-589-0455 for services.

Listen to "High and Lonesome" by Robert Plant and Alison on their new album, Raise the Roof.

I do not own the rights to these songs, and I am simply the promoter.

High And Lonesome
Robert Plant, Alison Krauss
High And Lonesome
Licensed to YouTube by
WMG, UMG (on behalf of New Rounder)

Eye of the Tiger
Jim Peterik, Frankie Sullivan
Licensed to YouTube by
SME; LatinAutorPerf, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., CMRRA, Warner Chappell, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, SOLAR Music Rights Management, ASCAP, PEDL, LatinAutor - Warner Chappell, LatinAutor - SonyATV, Sony ATV Publishing, and 19 Music Rights Societies

#NosotrosTrabajamosDuro #TonyTheTigerLopez #Boxing #ProBoxing #BobbyChacon #ChristopherSAllen #Podcast #NosotrosTrabajamosDuroPodcast

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