3/24/2021 [郭文贵谈中共的辛普森计划-3] 辛普森计划是现代的义和团,中共虽然通过丑闻和利益操控了欧洲的高层,但这对实际的国家利益和中共的控制没有帮助,只会增加仇恨。即便中共在欧洲

6 months ago

3/24/2021 [郭文贵谈中共的辛普森计划-3] 辛普森计划是现代的义和团,中共虽然通过丑闻和利益操控了欧洲的高层,但这对实际的国家利益和中共的控制没有帮助,只会增加仇恨。即便中共在欧洲布置了大量监控,这种措施最终也无法改变其失败的命运。
#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #文贵直播 #辛普森计划 #义和团

3/24/2021 [Miles Guo on the CCP's "Simpson Plan"-3] The “Simpson Plan” is akin to a modern “Boxer Rebellion”. Although the CCP has manipulated European elites through scandals and interests, it has not effectively impacted national interests or CCP’s control, only fueling hatred. Even with extensive surveillance in Europe, these measures will not be able to change the CCP’s fate of failure.
#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #milesguobroadcast #BoxerRebellion #SimpsonPlan

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