Anne Catherine Emmerich torches the Protestants and the "Enlightenment"

5 months ago

I do a reading of the book (vol 1) of the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich (German mystic from the early 1800s, known for her visions, the stigmata, and dwelling solely on the Eucharist for over a decade)

I confess: some of the paragraphs near the beginning, I struggled to get into a reading rhythm... I'm obviously not a professional at this but I'm recognizing my faults and improving myself... I don't really have a voice for narration anyway (hypothyroid problem causes my voice to break), and I'm dopey and nasal in the first place...

But I'm human and know how to intonate and emphasize, unlike AI. I just hope someone does this and does it better than I do!

So far... what I heard of other human narrations weren't any better than mine. Seriously, if you're a talented narrator, consider bringing Mystical City of God and the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich to life!

Passion of the Christ were basically based off her visions btw.

Anyway, in this video, she contests with her scribe, "the pilgrim", Brentano, who was rogue Christian or Protestant... and when she wanted to avoid conflict, her spirit guide (guardian angel) exhorts her to be more desperate on the situation. What you'll notice is that there is no ecumenism here... there's universal truth, and people who live on the inside (the Catholics) and the outside of it (everyone else)

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