Ivermectin: DEADLY FERTILITY TOXIN?? Drs. Yeadon, Cole, Barre & Makis weigh in

6 months ago

So, Yeadon says IVM destroys fertility. I don't really believe him, but if you're fertile I wouldn't take IVM if you don't have cancer or some serious illness. There are alternatives, and I'll make a playlist of them. Makis and Cole sound a little more grounded in data. Why does Yeadon say he has huge folder on it, but won't share it? This was a while ago, has he written about it yet? If he puts it in a book to make money that'll be enough for me to write it off as a scam from a Pfizer exec.

Barre Lando says IVM harms your gut bacteria. I forgot to trim his video so there's some talk you have to skip through. This problem could be present in the IVM alternatives too.

For more info look up TimTruth here and on substack. Not because I agree with him, because he's the only one. I agree with this:

But if you want to the ivermectin out, it's probably in your liver. Check these videos:

Contrary arguments:

Playlist of alternatives is coming when I get to it, for the young, who should heed this warning if you don't have an actual health issue. The other stuff works too.

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