Take down

6 months ago

For those new or unaware of this. Anons go over the massive amount of indictments. That’s already laid waist the Hollywood and many people that control the entertainment business. Several politicians and businesses leaders. The amount of evil predatory people is massive.
A man captures something on camera a few years back. The very well could be part of some arrests.
I’ve put many other things in videos a long time ago. Like the gallows in front of the Capital. This stuff just doesn’t make mainstream news. So people still think your crazy for talking about it. But the evidence is so overwhelming. You can not deny. Something massive has been going on. Then you see things like Biden CGI or his mask falling off.
We are at the end game. Will there be a election at all? Or will it play out and let them steal it again? So everything shuts down then? Or will the remaining powers give. And allow a fair election?
I don’t see a fair election happening. But who knows. If that happens. We may never learn what really went on. And that would be treason in itself. The people have the right to know. We pay for all of this.

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