Humanity’s Evolutionary Leap – Nancy Thames Q & A Part 2 of 2

6 months ago

Part 2 of 2. Our University Galacticus website is
Nancy Thames' website is In this Meetup, Nancy discussed her experiences as a lifelong contactee, emphasizing the importance of independent research and maintaining a positive frequency. She shared insights on extraterrestrial beings, their roles, and the concept of inter-dimensional beings. Participants asked about their own encounters, including a gray alien sighting and a vision of a rose spirit. Nancy explained the significance of soul contracts, the evolutionary leap humanity is undergoing, and the role of inter-dimensional beings in guiding human ascension. She also highlighted the importance of raising one's frequency and understanding one's purpose on Earth.


Q&A Session: Participants' Experiences and Questions
• Karen shares her experience of seeing a tall, translucent figure in her living room and asks for Nancy's interpretation.
• Nancy explains the possible meanings behind Karen's encounter, suggesting it could be a spiritual or an inter-dimensional being.
• Henry discusses his belief in the love and support of extraterrestrials and their influence on human life.
• Carol asks about the type of alien she saw and Nancy explains the various races of grays and their characteristics.

Discussion on Soul Plans and Reincarnation
• Yulian raises a question about the concept of soul plans and reincarnation, questioning why humans need to go through experiences rather than receiving lessons directly.
• Nancy explains the importance of free will and the role of inter-dimensional beings in guiding humanity's evolution.
• The conversation touches on the idea of computational irreducibility and the necessity of experiencing life's challenges.
• Nancy emphasizes the importance of raising one's frequency and understanding one's purpose on Earth.
Personal Experiences and Family Involvement
• April asks about techniques for raising one's frequency and Nancy shares her experiences with inter-dimensional beings.
• Nancy explains the process of changing one's frequency to match that of the inter-dimensional beings to facilitate contact.
• Nancy discusses the importance of respecting the natural resources and the teachings of the Zapotec tribe in Mexico.

Ascension and Evolutionary Leap
• Nancy talks about the concept of ascension and the evolutionary leap humanity is experiencing.
• She explains the role of inter-dimensional beings in guiding humanity and the importance of raising one's frequency.
• The conversation touches on the idea of universal consciousness and the interconnectedness of all beings.
• Nancy emphasizes the need for patience and trust in the evolutionary process.
Mexico Trip and Personal Insights
• Nancy shares her experiences from a recent trip to Mexico, including lessons learned and the profound impact of the visit.
• She explains the concept of soul contracts and the role of inter-dimensional beings in guiding individuals through their life's purpose.
• The conversation highlights the importance of understanding one's inner soul self and trusting one's intuition.
• Nancy discusses the challenges of being a contactee and the importance of maintaining a positive outlook.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement
• Elizabeth shares her experience of attending Michael Newton's school and the realization of her inter-dimensional origins.
• Nancy explains the concept of having a human experience and the importance of tapping into one's inner soul self.
• The conversation concludes with encouragement to continue exploring one's spiritual path and trusting in the evolutionary process.
• Nancy emphasizes the importance of community and support in the journey of spiritual growth and understanding.

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