Cleansing Nano Plastics

6 months ago

What helps and what to avoid.
Also research Master Peace.
They deny having aluminum particles in their product.
⬇️ Some shy away from anything "nano".


MasterPeace does not contain free aluminum particles. Please see the research tab on our website for info on that false notion:

Subtle Aether Energy: Incorporating the Harmony of Creation. The Aether can be described as a sea of energy that surrounds, permeates and connects us and the world. The subtle aether energy that is all around us, is brought into harmony with the MasterPeace formula via water structuring, energetic treatment, and the dissolved mineral and zeolite crystals in MasterPeace. The dissolved minerals and zeolite are all crystals, and crystals as a category tend to resonate with this subtle and intelligent aether energy. These tiny crystals, plus the crystalline structured-water they’re dissolved in, give the MasterPeace formula a deep energetic relationship with the Creation around us, even just while sitting on your shelf. This is the same relationship our wonderful bodies have, when acting in their higher capacities, in a robust way. This may explain why you are likely to feel more “tuned in” in many aspects of your life while taking MasterPeace.

We dont add isolated magnesium to masterpeace. See attached product comparison chart for a lot of specific info.

MasterPeace is supposed to help people on their journey to master peace. We do this through removing the poisons with natural medicine: 1. Natural clinoptilolite zeolite master poison binder 2. Sea Plasma ideal pH and electrical charge and bioavailable mineral spectrum 3. structuring the water in a way that helps it resonate like a strong crystal naturally with nature.


Nanometer Sized ZETA

Increased Clinoptilolite

Structured Living Marine Plasma

Infused with:

Bio-Photonics, Terahertz, Magnesium,

High Consciousness Fields,

Scalar/MotherEarth/Aether Energy

Okay - I find ZETIA/(ezetimibe) not zeta

Clinoptilolite is a natural zeolite composed of a microporous arrangement of silica and ALUMINA tetrahedra

Marine Plasma - Seawater collected from vortex current areas?

Structuring seawater provides a molecular coherence in the seawater, restoring its optimum condition for the development of its primary function, which is the maximum hydration and assimilation of minerals through inner medium, without which the cells could not perform their important functions for the body.

They use an ultra-filtration system, which is very similar to the body system filters, allowing rapid absorption of nutrients and reduction in the dosage needed.

[1] denotes a combination of biology and photonics, with photonics being the science and technology of generation, manipulation, and detection of photons, quantum units of light. Photonics is related to electronics and photons. Photons play a central role in information technologies, such as fiber optics. HUH? WHAT IS IT?!?
LOOKS LIKE SILICA (fiber optics) AND ALUMINA AND TERAHERTZ is a biological EMF network!

Terahertz - MAN-MADE from quartz or silica (sand)? (PLASTIC STONE, sort of?)

Magnesium - we all know of √

High Consciousness Fields - WTH?!?

Scalar/MotherEarth/Aether Energy - Aether was once upon, then removed from the periodic table
Scalar is something that NO ONE has been able to explain nor describe to me.
Mother Earth?! WTH?!?

Inquiring minds want to know what is being fed into their body / blood and brain cells.
Sounds like something designed to infuse me with the intellect of the new age HIGHER POWER (God/Universe)!
Spiritual intellect? MetaPhysical intellect? IDK!!!

Thanks, if you answer ALL of this.

Silicon and oxygen bond covalently to create a silicate tetrahedron (SiO44-)


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