1 month ago


Meet WhiteWolf, your tour guide, and his 2 dogs Charlie and Gaia! WhiteWolf’s conversation is occurring as he is hiking! He will explain plants, Natural medicine, Nutrition, Conciousness, Vortexes and Energy, Meditation, healing, UFO’s, Frequency, and many other thing. The whole idea is to hike, play like a child, and re-learn how to be a child in that Dream like state! Everything will be random and in the moment! The imagination of a child can help with so many things in life! Enjoy this journey to your inner Child:).

DREAMCHILD is the name of this series and I want to introduce you to my pups Charlie and Gaia. The dogs will continuously help show a random, child like point of view. DREAMCHILD is about being a child and being pure from your heart! DREAMCHILD is having the IMAGINATION to create and manifest as a child does from the Vortex of their Heart! WhiteWolf is a Life coach showing a way to your inner DREAMCHILD and how to reconnect your mind to your heart as a child!

Many people together in this DREAMCHILD “VORTEX” STATE will change the Earth one person at a time!

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