Scalar Light Testimony Following Tom's Interview on Coast to Coast

6 months ago

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The testimony:

I AM responding to the first week of the trio of blessing from you. I have been in a pleasant state of emotional and Spiritual balance since I began this new journey with SCALAR energy. One of the most remarkable experiences that I AM having is that I'm feeling hunger for food. More than once a day. That may sound strange, but I can't eat if I'm not hungry. I've had the intention of losing this bulge, I refer to "the baby" because I can scoop it up in my arms like I'm holding a baby! It's not pretty! But it is comical. My body is holding onto the fat storage because I'm not eating enough to stimulate the reduction of the bulge! So now that my body is becoming balanced because of this daily zapping of SCALAR Light, my digestion is better, my energy level has increased, along with a sense of well-being that brings me closer to Infinite Divine Source that puts me into an overwhelming place of Gratitude and security. AND IT'S YOUR FAULT! YAY ME!!

Thank you so very much ! I AM so grateful to George Noory for having you as a guest!

You are facilitating the evolution of our time and presence on this planet. We are in the midst of our newest leap in consciousness. Yay us! Thank you for being here for all of us!

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