
6 months ago

9/3/2024 前纽约州长助理孙雯被控为中共代理人,事件揭露中共渗透美国社会各方面的意图!大量华裔美国选民对逃至美国后仍遭中共监视感到恐惧。有关部门必须对中共间谍活动展开全面调查!
#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #中共间谍 #孙雯 #渗透
9/3/2024 The case of Linda Sun, a former aide to the New York governor, being accused of being a CCP agent reveals the CCP's intention to infiltrate various aspects of American society. Many Chinese-American voters are terrified that, having fled to the U.S., they are still being subjected to surveillance by the CCP. Authorities must investigate the CCP's espionage activities.
#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #CCPespionage #LindaSun #infiltration

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