Defeating Adventism #11 – Just How Many Moons are there anyway? Seventh-Day Adventist

5 months ago

This is the eleventh video in the series of Defeating Adventism. This video follows the mini-series exposing false visions of Ellen White. Defeating Adventism #7 “The Spirit of Prophecy” Ellen G. White James White -Seventh-day Adventist and Defeating Adventism #8 - A False Prophecy of Ellen White - Seventh-day Adventist.

This video exposes the false visions of Ellen White in which three visions are recounted where she claims that in vision, she was shown how many moons there were circling Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

Defeating Adventism #7 – “The Spirit of Prophecy” Ellen G. White James White -Seventh-day Adventist

Defeating Adventism #8 - A False Prophecy of Ellen White - Seventh-day Adventist

Prophets, Planets and Extraterrestrials (Adventists, Mormons, Jehovah Witness and Nation of Islam)

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