5 Minutes on Faith: 63 Day Countdown to National Election #120

3 months ago

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Who are you yoking your vote to?

This is not just the issue of if you will vote, but how you vote. In 2012, the DNC announced that any mention of God had been removed from the party platform. Delegates, legislators, leaders and party members cheered. 12 years later we are reaping the fruit of the Democrat Party’s decision to remove God from their platform. We are reaping chaos, lawlessness, perversion, violence, injustice, corruption, hatred and death.
2 Cor 6:14 NLT “Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?”

As Christians, we must ask ourselves if we should be aligned, yoked or teamed up in any way with a political party that cast God out? It is our responsibility to vote in alignment with the Word of God and to courageously confront those who are not in alignment with the Word of God. When all the Christians get out and vote for biblical values the election will be too big to rig, and we will beat the margin of cheat.

Go out and vote!

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