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15 seconds


5 months ago

If God has a vacation destination on earth, it's Crimea.


  • 0/2000
  • Was getting worried for you. Thanks for this - beautiful. Please post more often. I know I’m not the only one who gets concerned when there is no sign of life for months.

  • your ok

  • Glad you are doing well

  • Welcome back

  • Nice! Proof of life post, JMD :-) The fickle finger of fate has made you an excellent videographer of Russia's beauty. Back in 2/2024, I recommended you to Tucker's Tweets when he was visiting Russia. You're digital record goes beyond the political for which Tucker should interview you. What stark contrast to the carnage we see from UKE War. . .men being kidnapped in the streets to be cannon-fodder for the maniacs. Grapevine says your son visited you recently? Your sign off herein to your children is poignant for many of us. Because we appreciate your "forever" digital testimonial record. o7

  • Loved this; glad you are doing well!

  • John... Please watch the first 5 minutes of a dozen Carnivore youtube videos and see the massive laundry list of aches, pains and chronic annoying ailments, that evaporate along with all the body chub that is simply part of the tremendous inflammation caused by the veggies and carbs "they" told us are "Super Foods". I've even seen a few cases of Turrets completely going away along with lots of other neurological issues like Parkinson's, MS and Palsy that evaporate in just weeks (some people even tossing their wheelchairs!)... Years of snoring, sleep apnea, heart palpitations GONE! I've noticed before that the Russian people don't tend to have such a large fat AF population (like that hottie you honed in on at the beginning of your video :) as we in the US do (even with so many drinking alcohol way too much), but it looks like you are still on the "SAD" (standard American Diet) way of eating. They lied to us! Big Food and Big Pharma paid "scientists" to dummy up studies showing plants to be what we need to consume, in mass quantities and then they paid more of those Aholes to make that crap so addictive that we feel compelled to eat it ALL Day Long (grazing on many small meals from dawn to dusk, is "healthy"?). There are no "essential" carbs and there is a reason you have never seen Cave Paintings of a Salad! Just look at beach pictures in the US from the 60's and 70's and compare them to now! Kerry at Homestead How is a good place to start because he often runs down his list of former ailments that disappeared, along with 100 pounds and a tray full of meds. He's doing a huge documentary called, Healing Humanity. Peace

  • Amen! Thank you for sharing. This is awesome, beautiful and exciting💕

  • Gorgeous! Hope you are doing well!!

  • Great to see you. And having a great time 👍

  • oh hell no. Water + Cave = Fuck that no way not a chance.

    1 like
  • Amazing View, John, it's about time you share some videos, I love Masha, hahaha, I noticed your accent has changed, you're acclimating to your new environment!

    1 like
  • Beautiful video. Glad to hear from you again and to find out that you are well. We were worried about you.

    1 like
  • nice to hear from you.....since the drama of Gonzalo Lira (which was off the chain dramatic)....I have followed both of you for years...then boom!......you both cross paths and he winds up dead........sad story, very cloak and dagger!

    1 like
  • You disappeared so fast, some said you were a grifter. Hope they are wrong and you are OK.