Luck vs. Manifesting Bianca Ruehlig & Dr.Sharnael

6 months ago

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Bianca Ruehlig is a wellness coach, yoga instructor, meditation teacher, hypnotherapist, alchemical astrologer and perpetual student of life whose passion lies in mind, body, and spirit wellness.
After working in the corporate IT world as a software developer, she decided to pursue her spiritual path as a programmer of experiences instead. She began this journey in 2013 and has grown her spiritual network both inside and out through Facebook groups, local meetups, and her wellness center and crystal store.

Overcoming a panic disorder, arthritis, depression overnight, Bianca thrives on sharing her journey of self-love and self-healing through her social media platforms, her books, her videos and her new podcast, “The Hueman Rays.” The podcast covers her favorite topics such as energy, consciousness, manifestation, and gratitude. Everything is energy, vibration, and frequency.
She loves to read, write, and relax as often as possible. Speaking her truth and sharing her passions is her purpose. / @biancaruehlig

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon - founder of Dr. Sharnael True TV & Swiftfire International, author, naturopathic doctor, and conference speaker specializes in igniting all to TRUTH and TRUE wholeness path mind, body and spirit. Dr. Sharnael has done this through speaking in over 44 countries, writing 5 books including “The Science of Miracles”, producing her Crystal Oils and Decree Deck, and using online classes, social media, and TrueTv. Dr. Sharnael True TV focus is bringing light and healthy conversation to topics in current world events and issues many are facing today, as well as the resolutions to these issues.

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