The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons By Napoleon Hill (Study Notes)

5 months ago

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The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons By Napoleon Hill (Study Notes)

The Law of Success is a 1925 book – actually in the form of a set of 15 separate booklets – by Napoleon Hill. It was released as a limited edition of 118 copies and was given to many of Americas most successful individuals, all of whom had contributed to the book's content. One of those copies was used by Orne Publishing to reprint it in 2010.

The Law of Success in 16 Lessons is an edited version of Napoleon Hill’s first manuscripts which was reworked under advisement of some the contributors and first published in 1928. This version was initially published as a multi-volume correspondence course. Later editions gathered the material into a single hardcover book. The most current version available is through Wilder Publishing.

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