Canada's Largest Anti Human Trafficking Intervention & Education Centre❤️

5 months ago

#jesus #humantraffickingawareness #love #justice #notforsale #slavery #education #healing #victimsupport #crime #notinmycity #children #mentalhealth #freedom #advocate #highschool #middleschool #confidence #worthy #abuse #control
Leading the nation in preventing victims, education, prevention of luring, rehabilitation of victims, programs for survivors and the family members affected by the crime.
Invite the Joy Smith Foundation to come to your schools, work places, social groups, city council meetings, town hall meetings, churches, youth groups and more.
Save Canadian children from being lured or trafficked through knowledge. Human Trafficking can be stopped. 93% of human trafficked victims are Canadian. Luring is taking place 1 kilometre away from you.

Janet Campbell CEO of the Joyce Smith Foundation, the Largest human trafficking organization in Canada.
00:25 Joy Smith Mother made Canadian history twice creating 2 laws. Bill C 268 and
Bill C310
2:07 Joy gives credit to God for the Bills and the survivors that shared testimonies to the committee.
2:32 What it was like to have a mother as a hero at the dinner table?
5:20 Foundation has had over 7000 thousand Canadian files.
6:20 Human trafficking prevalent in every community. Many cases are not reported. police.Within 1 kilometre of where you are sitting right now luring is taking place. Predators have unprecedented reach to access the children to groom them using internet.
8:13 This is happening to Canadian children over 93% of the cases are Canadian children including Christian communities. These are our children and our neighbours.
9:09 None of the individuals ever thought it would happen to them.
9:30 1 in 2 high school students are being approached.
10:02 Lack of knowledge can destroy you.
Award Winning Canadian documentary Canada’s Secret Shame.
10:56 Education is our greatest weapon.
11:32 Sharing stories that impact.
13:09 Visiting a survivor in the hospital keeping her company, her face lit up wondering if school presentation would have saved her.
14:10 Presentations in high school who needs to hear this
14:40 Survivors working in the organization and have gone onto healing themselves
15:48 Prayer.
18:38 The biggest ket to stopping human trafficking.
19:20 People engaging in their own communities.
20:28 Contact Janet to bring The Joy Smith Foundation education to your community.
Website: email info@joysmithfoundation
The foundation provides all of the services for free.
21:18 If anyone is looking for help in a case the services are free.
21:45 Poster to print off or share to social media on the website:
20:22 Joy in action fundraising event.
23:12 Asking for everyones prayers.

Get Help Now
Joy Smith Foundation
Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 PM CST
(204) 691-2455

Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline 24/7 and Confidential
Helps connect victims and survivors with social services, law enforcement, and emergency services, as well as receive tips from the public.

Canadian Centre for Child Protection
Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 PM CST
Toll Free: 1-800-9135

Kids Help Phone:
Text 686868
or call 1-800-668-6868

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