Russell Brand dropping truth:

1 month ago

Russell Brand dropping truth:

"The powerful appear to benefit from chaos. The more there is chaos, the more there is conflict, the more there is bewilderment, the easier it is to assert authority. During the pandemic period where the convergence of interest included…Government appeared to benefit from the ability to regulate. It seemed that there was an opportunity to denigrate and marginalize and condemn people.
So I suppose that's an example of how crises and chaos benefit powerful interests. And I suppose if you have that kind of polarity, a kind of tension where crisis is beneficial to the most powerful interests in the world it's likely that you will see a perpetuation of crisis endless crisis. If the military-industrial complex benefits from war, you will have war If the pharmaceutical complex benefits from ill health, you will have the perpetuation of ill health. If they require you to eat food that's bad for you and take medicine that's bad for you then you find that this great, you have a kind of conveyor belt where we're sort of turned into larvae with parasitic tubes attached to us. One end being pumped full of sugar and seed oil the other end being pumped full of needless pharmaceuticals."

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