Episode 375: The LORD God claims to be the Redeemer Part 1

5 months ago

Hello everyone. In tonight's Bible study when move forward with our study on what the Lord is doing through His creation.

God is:
1. Revealing His attributes. In revealing His attributes the LORD God in His infinite wisdom allowed evil and sin to enter creation.

2. Revealing His reconciliation plan. This reconciliation plan has two parts and each of these parts reveals certain attributes of the Most High God. Part 1 is salvation which reveals God's attributes of grace, mercy, and peace. Part 2 is justice which reveals God's attributes of righteousness, holiness, and wrath.

3. Revealing His Redeemer. Who is God's Redeemer? It is none other than the Lord Himself. First He is Christ the LORD God. Second He is Christ the Lamb of God. Third He is Christ the Lion of Judah.

We are discussing bullet 3, God's Redeemer.

Today's study is 1 hour and 15 minutes in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 1 of 2 titled The LORD God claims to be the Redeemer. Part 1

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