Minecraft Rulecraft Defeat The Battletower guardian

5 months ago

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The Battletower mod is a really cool mod
The Battle Towers mod adds many different dungeon-like towers with spawners ... When the player reaches the top (or a level below) of a tower, a Battle Tower a Battle Tower Golem will initiate combat with them. You must kill the golem in order to officially defeat the tower and loot the chest at the top. Once the golem is killed, the tower will begin to collapse, destroying 2-4 floors in top of the battle tower. If the player is on a floor below the golem, it will destroy the floors (and chests in that floor) of the tower in its way in order to reach the player.
here are several types of materials that built battle towers. They are mostly identical.
Cobblestone (Double stone slab floor)
Mossy Cobblestone (Double stone slab floor)
Smooth Stone (Cobblestone floor)
Ice (Clay block floor)
Sandstone (Sandstone floor)
Netherrack (Soul Sand floor)
End Stone [in The End, rare]
This mod randomly spawns towers through out your world which you can fight and over come to gain rewards. The towers that spawn randomly in your new world has 8 levels which you need to defeat and over come and then a boss level on top of the tower who is powerful but the rewards for killing it are great. Opening the chest on the highest and second highest floor will aggravate the golem (and instantly closes the chest GUI). The chests can only be accessed once the golem perishes, leaving very little time for the treasure to be taken – the tower will collapse as the Battle Tower Golem was sustaining it up to that point
The tower’s explosions (when collapsing) also destroy items, and in most cases, the loot from chests at highest and second-highest floors.
In Superflat, battle towers can spawn more frequently, but they also can be very close each together.
If 2 Battle Tower Golems meet, they fight each other, but this may be bugged as one seemed to be regenerating as the other was dying during their combat.
A Battle tower may spawn at where your house was, deleting all your loot and hard work if you return from a dimension, this is caused by chunks error because of teleporting from one to other dimension. This almost always happens if the chunk you are returning into has a block from Secret Rooms.
On Smooth Stone Battle tower, Ores do generate, replacing some part of the walls with vein of ores, usually Redstone or Coal Ores.
On some rare cases, the tower is destroyed completely upon the Battletower Golem’s death.
©Nuclear Hurricane Of Arda all rights reserved 2014/2050

If These Users attempt to speak to you Zexyo ,Pennybuttsex,DNA,penny n###son,vaxylya ,QA,Stanley the pedo, Snap,shades,Friixy fixtros discord and anyone of Clay party they are well known manpulative conscripting liars and i dont want any of you guys turning evil on the wrong side. Please block and report them send me proof of them targeting you if necessary most of of them are pedophiles and are stalkers and the others are harassers Knowing better me and my truth stay awake, sure enough all the zexyo creatures start crawling out of the mangrove and start harassing people alive, people start panicking and you guys get the flame thrower and throw it at me and my followers when we all have been minding our own buisness for months zexyos server was really fucking annoying when I left and tried to go my own way, like 10% of their members were fighting some dumbass hegemonic war and they wanted to cuck the entire team for something zexyo started I dont know what servers you share with this dude or why you get along with him but he has never "been nice" towards me and has shown nothing but disrespect and snide remarks towards me since day one I rise back up by exposing the truth them they continue You can stop playing the victim now, everyone bought it. I think it is funny how you are still playing the victim and blaming Others for things not going your way. When it’s your bad choices that got you where you are. Grow up! If everywhere you go watch my content there’s a problem, guess what? The victim costume doesn’t suit you at all. You should try the self-centred mod one again. In either case, it's important I have evidence that backs up my claim, posting this Just make certain i am honest and direct with the person who lied. After they get exposed they make another video By making up something to defend themselves or stretching the truth, liars can manipulate how their listeners will react, especially if they know their audience well. Liars don't only hide the truth; they hide their feelings, too. They lie to avoid facing the facts. Despite what people might think and you just got destroyed zexyo and cuntparty

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