There IS NO Such Thing as Death - to Souls - (Yet, in Sleep, we visit There)

5 months ago

In this video, I describe the _actual_ Truth - from my perception around Death, in "grave contrast" to what we've been told by the MainStream Media.
Death is transformation, bodily decomposing, and the soul's freedom, (or tragically, more likely, rapidly guilt-trip forced reincarnation.) Is bodily ascension pure wishful thinking or an actual possibility?

Worse, the REAL "death" occurs for normal human souls - while they are still in their bodies - if they be-lie-ve what they are told and obey their slavemasters. To take this a degree further into hell on earth, we have the grand mad scientist experiment of Humans 2.0

I also discuss the dark side of daily cannabis use, and briefly introduce my limited understanding of it's detrimental side, perhaps the loss of dream recall being the worst effect.

Every night of good sleep, while our physical body is resting in a state of temporary 'rigor mortis,' we are force to visit "death" or the 4th dimension, what Tibetans call the Second Bardo and Aboriginals call the Dreamtime.
As Geraline Orozco says, learning lucid dreaming may be the best way to prepare for that moment that your soul leaves your body. In addition, while "awake," learning remove viewing is also, obviously an excellent way to prepare. What is "death," in actuality - outside of the cube-tech lies? A change of state, a new life without physicality, or a rapid forcing into a new slave family? Join me as I explore what I've discerned about dying. Enjoy

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