Fight the Great Reset

6 months ago

This is the second time I am posting this video; I had already published it a few days ago, but took it down when we discovered that Mike's audio for the last 17 minutes was MISSING!
But since I believe this is one of the most important episodes we've ever recorded, I have decided to re-publish it, but warning the viewer in advance of the problem.
The entire episode is well over an hour, so there is lots to listen to and digest, and, as I said, stuff that's very relevant and important and shoul dnot be wasted!

So here are my original show notes:

We open with a Happy Thought, then talk about what Mike Benz told Tucker Carlson concerning how Democrats are Redefining Democracy, and how they engage in Noble Lies.
We touch upon the January 6 Political Prisoners and the lies which put them in jail (and why), Capitol Police deaths.
Mike brings up an Oath which he wrote three years ago, and he reads it on the show.
For those who might want a copy of the oath, here it is:
* * *
I (your name) declare with full knowledge and devotion
to be an agent of Peace and a vanquisher of corruption by assuming these duties: To defend, the laws of The Constitution Of The United States. To defend, the well being of our fellow Citizens. To defend, the spirit of The United States Of America as written in the Declaration Of Independence.
I continue to open my self to rectitude so injustice cannot prosper in my presence. I drink deeply from the well of courage by making fear my call to action. I make myself whole by offering my blood for this sacred cause.
I also swear, to generously grant my strengths to the weak, the oppressed and the downtrodden. I also swear, to be a beacon for the righteous. I also swear, to be a shield for the hopeless. I also swear, to be ever vigilant and deliver the besieged as well as bind the wicked.
I will hold this oath until total victory is secured or 
I am honorably laid upon the Alter of Freedom.
* * *
We go on to discuss Individual Rights and Responsibilities, the presence of harmful chemicals in our food, Manipulation of and by Media and Intelligence Agencies, the Fight for Freedom and challenging the Power Structure, my frustration with the current head of the Catholic Church, the Abortion issue, Body Parts for sale...I go on an angry rant and give my preferred solution for dealing with Traitors to our Nation and our Constitution...which may not be agreeable to many, who might call it Revenge, but I look at it as Justice.
Finally, we return to what Mike Benz told Tucker and have a brief discussion on the fate of our Country: is it inevitable that the Powers the Be will install Kamala, or will Patriots rise up and STOP the bullshit...

As always, I hope you enjoy the show, like and share it with everyone, and give us 5 stars! Thank you.

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