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Yes, this substance is our life source, the cerebral spinal fluid, Christ oil, that flows through our brain and spine.

In Colossians, St. Paul speaks of Christ as the "head" to which all parts of the Church are fixed and nourished. This is parallel to the physical fact that from the brain, CSF or Christ oil nourishes the entire body also.

Man is a microcosm. Whatever exists in the outer universe exists in him also.

Oil or petroleum is a major commodity on earth, so major that countries wage war over it, and so it is in our bodies. The oil or petroleum within us is of irreplaceable value, and the lures of the exterior world wage war on its frequency and purity.

Petra (relating to Peter) means rock or mineral, as in rock salt or mineral salt or cell salt.

Oleum means oil, "and the rock poured out rivers of oil." Job 29:6

Petra-Oleum is mineral oil. CSF is a type of mineral oil also.

In the petroleum industry, nitrogen (777) is used to draw oil up from under the ground.

A reflection of this happens in the temple body when nitric oxide (nitrogen and oxygen) helps to raise and foam CSF in kundalini awakenings.

"The kundalini utilises that which is termed spinal liquid. It actually ionises CSF and changes its molecular structure and consequently the basic DNA structure of the entire body."
The Beginners Guide to Enlightenment
by Ramtha

So the mineral-based Christ oil on the chemical layer of creation is parallel with the Kundalini on the energetic layer of creation. And it is our inner petrol flowing around the brain and through the 33 vertebrae of the spine.

The Biblical Christ lived for 33 years. His oil was whole or holy because he kept his body, mind, and soul in a state of love, high vibes, and purity.
As the saying goes, cleanliness is next to godliness. His life and teachings are a metaphor for the type of transcendence, peace, love, and super consciousness that we too can embody.

In human anatomy, we observe with wonder and awe how the nerves, muscles, and other systems of the body are all centred and anchored to the spine.

The spine is a delicate yet resilient instrument or rod of splendour, and is filled with the replenishing water of life, CSF, mineral oil,
or CSF, that, according to King Solomon, forms the silver cord of our microcosmic temple bodies.

The silver cord is our connection to the universal macrocosm, and so is this divine fluid.
Our lives and bodies are manifesting via the silver cord and CSF. Because the human brain,
spinal cord, and all the subsequent organs that we experience life through are developments of CSF or spinal marrow.

Raising The Chrism

The Bible is a manual about physiological regeneration and astrology, written in code (SEE Gematria), providing us a path to enlightenment (atonement). 99% of the people believe the Bible is a historical book to be taken literally. It’s not, it’s about you and YOUR path to enlightenment. You are the Protagonist. No one’s coming to save you. All of these parables were written about and for you.

The Tree of Life

The “Temple of God” is your body, not a building. Of course, if you believe we evolved from biological sludge 3 billion years ago, this doesn’t make any sense.

Now, we’re never taught this information because the powers that be don’t want you to understand what you are. They like you confused, distracted and deceived which is why “you give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt (Juvenal).” For the past 500 years, it was the church’s role to mislead the masses. Now the “scientism” and “new age” community has gleefully taken over that role.

I digress, but, regardless of what you believe to be undeniably true, this is pretty interesting to think about, and the ultimate gift if you can assimilate.
“Seed, word” and “God,” are all synonyms of one and the same thing the wonderful creative substance, the universal esse, from which all things are brought forth, and in which all things are. The Scriptures, or allegories and parables of the Bible, are the only writings that give us information as to what the Word of God is. Therefore, in this book, we will quote what is written there in regard to it.

Seed is the cause, the nucleus of everything, therefore a seed is “the beginning” In the beginning was the WORD.”

The fluid, oil, or marrow which flows down the spinal cord, comes from the upper brain, the Creator or Father, the “Most High,” and is known in physiology as ovum, or generative seed that life essence which creates the human form of corruptible flesh. In the Greek, from which the New Testament was translated, this marrow is called Christ, which is the Greek word for oil.

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