Getting Caught In the Net of Sin

5 months ago

Pastor Mike Online 8-20-2024 Getting Caught In the NET of SIN. The assasinatiion attempt on Donald Trump, videos coming out from various videos taken on that day. SS trains continually against such threats, what happened that day, besides God intervening? Doubt it not. The SS must have seen the shooter before he fired the first shot. Since Bible times there have been 'conspiracies' to prevent the preaching of the Gospel. JFK, Robert Kennedy assassinations. People don't want DJT because of what he will do as President. Zerrubabel offered help from pagans to rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem. Trump wants walls Isaiah wanted walls. Liberals accept the flood of illegals so they can vote while they spend taxpayer money for their upkeep, instead of our own people. The only thing lacking was a bullet in his head. The shooter was allowed to get 8 shots before he was stopped. We are wrestling not against humans, but powers and principalities. Edgar Mitchell's Samadhi experience with Appollo 13 missions. In the 'net' we can find everything our soul lusteth after. Every sin is available there.We will know what the mark of the beast is when it shows up. KJB has the true word, so to whom/what should we go? Mark of the beast will not be forced, people will beg for it. Ask God for help getting out of the net. "Right Thinking" has pervaded everything through censorship. Our children are the targets of the devil. Be careful what you see, hear, read, believe, stay in the Word of God.

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