Warzone X: @BiggerTruth Reporting

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I'm not asking or telling anyone to believe me. All I ask is that you look at what I see and make up your own mind. -APALAnon

@BiggerTruth https://biggertruth.substack.com/ "Bigger Truth Media
Exposing the information war being waged against conservatives.

By Scott McMahan

@BiggerTruth on X:
"@intheMatrixxx @shadygrooove
and I reported on this 2 weeks ago.

Now Trump shut it down.

Huge exhibit in how Flynn is working against Trump and Trump is on to it." re:
Michael Flynn keeps trying to associate Donald Trump with this event to hurt his poll numbers because he knows the media will use it to smear him by reporting that he is commemorating a so called insurrection that was supposed overthrow the government. Now do you all see how sneaky he is? D. Trump has grown to be more wise politically. M. Flynn knows better than to throw this random event that nobody asked for just to undermine this election season because he and who he works for which is Richard (MI6) Dearlove & Stanley (CIA) McChrystal want D. Trump out of the way."

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