No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 043: Replays and highscores

2 months ago

Streamed on 2024-09-04 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

There is a certain flow around replays: when to save them, when to remove them and how they are referenced by the Highscores. Today we worked through most of that flow and have a good start on Highscores. We can compare Replays in a couple of important ways and they can parse themselves from a couple of different sources.

Primarily, the interplay between Replay and Highscores is much more clear now and the ownership of functionality between them is much clearer. The Replay will ask Highscores if the previous replay is in the highscores. If it isn't, Replay deletes the old file before writing the new one. Otherwise, Replay writes the file, then tells Highscores to update itself. Then Highscores can check for validity and adds the new replay to the list, removing excess items if needed. The main thing missing right now is Highscores writing its status out for the next iteration so state is preserved. Tomorrow ...

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