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“The Most Valuable Intellectual Property in the World” - Reggie Middleton’s Patents

6 months ago

“The Most Valuable Intellectual Property in the World” - Reggie Middleton’s Patents


  • 0/2000
  • Men that have Novel ideas, can create productive Outcomes for Billions of People -but when you're being 'kept' in Prison by a Gov't that has degraded to a Larcenous State, no one can be free. Look at Gary's face for the answer...

    1 like
  • Reggie is the very Definition of 'Old School' CRYPTO

  • This mafia also stole the code for social network scaling from the private company that developed it, right out of the patent office, and then gave it away as opensource that then laid the groundwork for the systems we use to talk about this stuff today. If I am not mistaken Robert Mueller was involved, as well as HRC's Arkansas patent law firm. This is how they have frozen human development for the last 100 years. Capturing, and burying innovation, and redirecting, and redeploying it in a manner that favors the agenda, and enriches the thieves. Untill all trust is lost with all the pillars of establishment(Patent offices included) people will continue to participate in their own subjugation, and enslavement. We have misplaced our trust, but now we found the tools to make trust irrelevant, and to dethrone the establishment powers. Don't think they will just give up easily defending this key strategic hill in the battle for control of cyberspace. Reggie needs all the help spiritually, and physically he can get in this fight.