New Scientific Discovery ..... weight loss

6 months ago


health & fitness health products healthy diet healthy weight loss healthy lifestyle Avatar suzieb-fit11h agoUgh. Hate that I'm having to report a truly horrendous mucus morning!I was up early to catch a few minutes outside for a beautiful sunrise before an online training session.Lower body strength with resistance bands.My client absolutely loves our sessions and it's definitely a boost for metoo!Back outside after that for breakfast. My delightful “protein stodge” with coffee.Then I went for my half hour walk. I wandered into the forest today. Craved a bit of nature.The mucus hit as I was getting ready to set off for that walk.I still have an appointment with an ENT consultant who apparently specialises in mucus problems. That's about a week away.I cannot allow it to mess my mood or my mojo up!It's been a full week since cutting out all my reported allergens and intolerances. Have to be more patient. But apart from a few better day sit doesn't seem to be improving very much at all.I wanted to get the third session from my current Nike Training programme done.All floor work targeting the core with some glute work thrown in for good measure.It's a really great apps with excellent workouts!Another coffee after thatchilling for a little while before tuna and ground coconut salad for lunch.Actually been feeling a bit sickly and just under the weather today. I knew something wasn't right when I didn't have much appetite for my lunch. That NEVER happens no matter what's going on with my health.Quite a stark contrast to the last couple of days of feeling fabulous!gotta take the rough with the smooth Still had a good day in terms of all my physical goals. Less exercise than planned but I'd say two workouts and a short walk are plenty after two heavy lifting days.So still a half win for Wednesday!fitspo fitspiration fitblr healthy living fitness health and fitness fitworkout health and nutrition diet and nutrition healthy nutrition good nutrition allergens food intolerances


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