Sabbath Message (Audio) for 05/07/47/120 - 07/09/2024

5 months ago

Sabbath Message (Audio) for 05/07/47/120 - 07/09/2024

Dear Friends
Today is the First Sabbath of the Seventh Month. It is the month of the Feasts from Trumpets and Atonement to Tabernacles. Today we will examine the paper on the Millennium and the Rapture (No. 095) .
After Atonement we will then proceed to deal with the issue of the Sack of the Vatican (No. 141D_3) . That will also deal with the timings of the plan the demons have for the Trinitarian and other unbiblical systems of the world.
This Sabbath we will deal with how the false structures came into being dealing with the unbiblical heresies of the “Rapture” of the various types; such as invented by the false prophetess Ellen G. White of the SDAs with her desolate earth theory over the millennial system based on a complete misrepresentation of Jeremiah 4:15-27 (see F024) and the heavenly “reading of the books scenario” which has no biblical foundation whatsoever. Another false scenario was invented by the charlatans in the US with the millennial rapture leaving the earth to be destroyed while the devoted paying followers of the scoundrels in the flocks of Baptists, and other uneducated dupes, all go to heaven, while the rest of the earth is destroyed. It is difficult to imagine how these congregations simply swallow the lies and unscriptural nonsense that have been rammed down their unsuspecting throats over the last two centuries and more. As they say in the USA: If you wish to get rich, start your own church. That is as long as you tell them they do not have to obey the Bible and that the Laws of God are done away. They will believe anything you want them to believe. We will explain how that will unfold in the next few years under the destruction of the Trinitarian system and the Sack of the Vatican (No. 141D_3)  and then under the rule of the False Prophet and the Antichrist (No. 141D_3A).
The important thing we have to understand is that the faith of the entire world will now be reduced to its most critical levels and most people will be deceived and lose all levels of faith. Most professing Christians will deny Christ and these systems that profited from the misuse of the faith, as did the mainstream, will deny him completely. We will explain how that will eventuate in the above, and subsequent papers.
The false prophets that infiltrated the Churches of God in both Sardis and Laodicea, in both the COG (SD) and early Protestantism and in the RCG, WCG system and offshoots and the SDAs and Jehovah Witnesses etc. and their offshoots, misled millions (see the paper False Prophecy (No. 269)) . They will unfortunately be sent to the Second Resurrection (No. 243B) except for the very few selected by God in the Holy Spirit and permitted to the First Resurrection. The rest will have to repent or go to the Second Resurrection. 
Only the elect (Rev. 12:17; 14:12) and the Holy Seed (Isa. 6:9-13; Am. 9:1-15) will survive until the very end. 
Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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