58 Drop The Mask [Part 2]

6 months ago

Mask, mask,
Making my face...,
What a disgrace,
To the human race!
The mirror of truth shows a broken soul!
Drop the mask!
Just drop it!

Truth fantastic!
Ethics elastic.
Caught in between realities,
An alien land,
An alien self in denial!
A troubling psychosis!
Drop the mask!
Just drop the mask,
Just stop it now,
For crying out loud!

Mind mirror,
Truth witness,
Am I redeemable?
Doomed in past karma?
Reaping something terrible?
Drop the mask!
Be authentic.

Truth fantastic!
Ethics elastic.
Caught in between realities,
An alien land,
An alien self in denial!
A troubling psychosis!
Drop the mask!
Just drop the mask,
Just stop it now,
For crying out loud!
...crying out loud!

Mind mirror,
Truth witness,
Am I redeemable?
Doomed in past karma?
Reaping something terrible?
Drop the mask!
Be authentic.

Droop the mask
just stop the mask
just stop it now
for crying out loud!

Truth fantastic!
Ethics elastic.
Caught in between realities,
An alien land,
An alien self in denial!
A troubling psychosis!
Drop the mask!
Just drop the mask,
Just stop it now,
For crying out loud!
What a tangled web weave!

Mask, mask,
Making my face...,
What a disgrace,
To the human race!

The mirror of truth shows a broken soul!
Drop the mask!
Just drop it!

Mind mirror,
Truth witness,
Am I redeemable?
Doomed in past karma?
Reaping something terrible?
Drop the mask!
Be authentic.

Drop the mask!
Be authentic & real!
For goodness sake!
Just drop the mask,
Be authentic & real!
Be positive!
Just drop the mask.

Crying out loud!

Audacity, Clideo, Cloudconvert, Convertfiles, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Ezgif, Gimp, Google Chrome, Hedra, Klingai, Linux, Lumalabs, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, Onlineconverter, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Pi, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, Suno, Udio, Vocalremover, You.com, YouTube,

Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process across the channel. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.



Available now on the rumble & YouTube streaming platform.

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