Will Metroid Prime 4 be a Cross-gen Game?

5 months ago

With us finally having our first real footage of Metroid Prime 4 Beyond, we still know very little about this game. And with it releasing the same year as the switch 2, I find it extremely likely that Prime 4 will be a cross gen game between the switch and switch 2.

Obviously in the video I explain as to why I believe this to be true, let me know what you think about this in the comments below. I know in the past where I have done videos similar to these I usually leave it up to interpretation but in this case I firmly believe Prime 4 will be cross gen, I would actually be more surprised if it wasn't.

Also I want to thank you all for the support on the last video, hopefully this one does just as well. And I need new editing software badly, I cut it really close because of it.

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