The Revival of Metroid

6 months ago

This was another video that I've had in the back of my mind for a little while as well.

In 2024, Metroid is more prevalent than it has ever been, but it hasn't always been like this. In fact this recent streak of games is more the exception rather than the rule. Metroid as a series is one of the most influential out there yet does not get nearly the amount of recognition as it should, until now apparently.

In this video I basically present the timeline of the upswing the Metroid series has been granted over the last few years, and although many could argue that it all started with Dread, it actually goes back a but further than that. Either way, despite the gloomy future many of us saw coming for the franchise less than a decade ago is thankfully a very distant memory.

Also, this is the start of a new batch of uploads that are coming out at a more contestant rate, thought that would be cool to mention. Anyways see you all sooner rather than later ;)

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