Mars Cafe #34: "New Dawn"

3 months ago

"Fun! Fun!" -Rock&Roll Highschool

If August 28 is your lucky day, then today is also your lucky day, because Space-Byron has reset the timeline to August 28! "Day Zero" is long gone, and nobody can be sure if that's a good thing, or not...

In the aftermath of Space-Byron's costly simulation experiment, and the opening of the fizzy, fractured Maxiverse, the macho muchachos of the "bueno policia" sit down to a candid round-table discussion...

Emory Bunny has some concerns about the merging of realities. Are things better? Are things worse? Are things exactly the same as before?

Sheriff Bill is wondering where his tractor has gotten to. Is it parked at the Police Station? Is it still out in the wastelands? Or does it exist in some weird Super-position, everywhere and nowhere at once?

Space-Byron has all the answers... and also none of the answers... which is par for the Baljef course...

Join in for the sort of fun that tastes exactly like Schrodinger's Cat! This episode is the "Chow Mein Kampf" of internet cartoon shows!

#multiverse #metaverse #maxiverse #MCU #DCEU #simulation #therapy #psychology #Bimby #plontiwog #johndeere #codefrench #mars #colony #economy #quarks #neutrinos #hadroncollider #CERN #singularity #eventhorizon #sleep #paralysis #amputee #tedtalk #billtalk #birthday #surprise #alcoholism #YearsForMonths #simmans #comics #superheroes #SheriffBill

Come and have dinner sometime, won't you?

Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved.

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

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