10 hours ago

Here is a little test. Who am I referring to? He died in his 33rd year. He said he was fathered by God. He was called, “King of Kings.” And the name “Issus” is associated with him. Who was he? Jesus Christ? Yes, these things are also said of Alexander the Great.
Alexander died in his 33rd year. He was called the Son of God. Alexander defeated the Persian Emperor Darius in 333 BC at the Battle of Issus (translates to jesus). Alexander thus seized control of Egypt which had been under Persian domination since 666 BC, and was declared Pharaoh of Egypt. At this point Alexander was Emperor of Persia, Pharaoh of Egypt and the monarch of the entire Greek peninsula. Alexander was thus declared “the Great,” Alexander the Great, King of Kings.
After Alexander’s death, one of his generals, Ptolemy, inherited the throne of Egypt establishing the Ptolemaic dynasty which ruled the Land of the Nile for 250 years ending with the death of Cleopatra, the Last Pharaoh. After Cleopatra, the Romans seized Egypt. The Romans, at first, we are told, persecuted the Christians until, that is, the Emperor Constantine converted to the Christian faith.
However, Walter Williams in The Historical Origins of Christianity disputes that last assertion. He offers evidence that Constantine did not convert to Christianity, but, instead, actually created it. Williams argues that the Romans were not putting Christians to death, that they were persecuting the last stubborn remnants of the original, ancient Egyptian religion which had been continuously under attack starting soon after Alexander entered Egypt. Constantine, says Williams, ceased his attacks once they agreed to convert Egyptian religion into what is now known as Christianity. That is why, some say, the earliest statues of Christ and his mother are Black. They are based on the Egyptian holy figures, Isis and her son, Osiris.
Notre Dame and many European cathedrals are, in fact, built on sites that were originally temples to Isis. Notice that in Southern Europe the “Mother of God,” is often given as much, if not more, veneration than Jesus Christ. Some say this is because Mary is really a refiguring of the goddess Isis, and Jesus is a recasting of her son, Osiris.
The Romans badly needed a central religious figure to hold together their ever expanding Empire. Observe that the Pope is called the “Pontiff.” One of the titles of the Roman Emperor was “Pontifex Maximus.” Also, look at the hat, called the “mitre,” that the Pope and all the bishops of the Catholic Church wear. It is based on the double crown of the Egyptian pharaoh. The pharaoh was the intermediary between the people and the gods, the Roman Emperor and later the pope assumed that pivotal role. After the fall of Rome, the various kings that rose up across Europe claimed to rule by, “Divine Right.”
Does the iconic figure Jesus Christ have so much in common with Alexander the Great because the legend of Jesus Christ is based on the figure Alexander the Great who died in his 33rd year, was said to be fathered by an all powerful god, was known as King of Kings and who reached unrivalled prominence after the Battle of Issus (Jesus)? Thus did the white god topple the black deity?

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